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What is WaMDaM? 😎

The Water Management Data Model (WaMDaM) is a novel method that describes and implements a database design with software to help modelers

  1. Organize and compare multiple water resources systems datasets to select it as input for models
  2. Automate preparing and serving input data into comparison models (WEAP and GAMS) and
  3. Visualize water management networks and their data online at OpenAgua and publish them on HydroShare.

For more info, see here Why WaMDaM❓

How to use it? 🌟

The WaMDaM Wizard is a free and open-source Windows-based desktop software that helps modelers

  1. Prepare and load data from a spreadsheet template and direct importers into a WaMDaM SQLite database
  2. Directly export loaded and integrated data in WaMDaM into WEAP and WASH models
  3. Visualize models in WaMDaM into OpenAgua sharing platform.

Benefits 💪

  1. Organize your data and metadata once and reuse it many times
  2. Reduce time and effort to populate data to multiple models
  3. Easily visualize your model and share it with the world
  4. Ultimately, it supports your efforts in building transparent and reproducible modeling and conclusions

Authors 👋

WaMDaM and its software are developed and maintained primarily by Adel Abdallah as part of his PhD dissertation (and beyond ❤️ 😆)

Funding👍 😍

WaMDaM has been primarily funded by the National Science Foundation.

Disclaimer 😟 😇

Although I spent the last six years working very hard on WaMDaM and its software, days and nights, it is provided as-is with many limitations. Although the software has been tested extensively, it is still a proof of concept and requires significant improvements to facilitate the user experience. I am very committed to taking this work to next level as part of my upcoming career path.

License 👈

WaMDaM and its software are Free!
The software and source-code are released under the New Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) 3-Clause License, which allows for liberal reuse. All source code, use cases, and documentation can be accessed at